Saturday, December 11, 2010
Blog transition rather than start a whole new blog I have decided to just keep this one and tranform it into the Craig family here it goes...letting go of the single life and moving into the married life... :o)
Monday, December 6, 2010
It was the most perfect day ever!!! I am so happy! I love being married! I am so blessed!
p.s. I will post pictures soon!! :o)
p.s. I will post pictures soon!! :o)
Sunday, October 17, 2010
How He Proposed
Joe wanted to surprise me so he had to be sneaky about it. He told me that he wasn't going to even be able to pick up the ring for another week or so so I had no idea what was coming. It was a Thursday and he came home from work and asked if I wanted to go out to eat and then go take some pictures up the canyon. I said ok, sure. He took me to one of my favorite places, Noodles & Company. Then I wasn't feeling like taking pictures because to be honest I didn't feel very pretty. I was wearing jeans and a sweater. Joe on the other hand comes home from work and takes a shower so he always looks good when we go out because he is all freshened up. So he asked if I would like to just go for a "little" (I put that in quotations because it was NOT a little hike haha) up to Upper Falls (It's the falls above Bridal Vail Falls, for those of you who know where that is). So we get there and grabs his camera (which for those of you who know Joe know that that is the LAST thing he would normally grab) but I didn't think much of it since we had talked about taking pictures. So we started hiking and Joe was very very quiet, so I asked him what was wrong because he was so quiet, and he said "nothing, just thinking". I knew something was up but I quite sure what so I let it go. We keep climbing and climbing and this was not an easy climb. I remember asking him wh
ere he was taking me? He chuckled and said "you'll see" or something along those lines. We FINALLY get to the top and the waterfall was so beautiful and the view from up there was incredible. So Joe then sets up the camera on the rock to take a few pictures. When he gets it just right he says "um...I have to go to the bathroom" so I just stand there looking the other way of course thinking "is he serious, up here" but I guess when you gotta go you gotta go (he told me later that he really didn't have to go but that on the way up he had heard the ring bouncing around in the box and he wanted to fix it so everything was perfect :o)). So he comes back and he sets the camera's timer and I get ready for the picture, but this time is different. He takes my hand and gets down on one knee and nervously asks if I will marry him? I don't think I will ever forget the look in his eyes when he was asking me. I knew in that moment truly how much this man loved me. I know it sounds cheesy but I saw forev
er in his eyes in that moment! It took me a while to speak, all I could do was stare into his wonderful eyes and squeak. Eventually I said yes! I didn't cry though, I was so shocked that I couldn't cry. We kissed and then he put the ring on my finger and I was dancing around on this little tiny edge (maybe not the best idea, but I was excited). Joe grabbed me said "please don't fall, I just got you and I don't want to lose you." So I quite haha.
So yea that's how he "popped the question". You know I always dreamed about how the man I married would actually purpose...this was better then any dream!! :o)
So yea that's how he "popped the question". You know I always dreamed about how the man I married would actually purpose...this was better then any dream!! :o)
Who would have thought that my very next post would be the "I'm Engaged" post...haha...well I can honestly say that it happened and now the next post will be the "How he proposed" post :o)
Friday, May 21, 2010
Alright..I know that it has been...oh about FOREVER since my last post...well here is a quick recap of what is going on in my life...
I am living in Orem currently and have 2 semesters left of school! I can't believe that I am that close to being done...oh my...I try not to think about it that much because when I do I get a little freaked out haha...
The past nine months I have been working at the UVU Health Services and i was a grand adventure...I met a lot of cute guys that way hahaha...but now my journey with the Health Services is over and I am enjoying not working and just finshing up school...
I have taken up a few new hobbies. I started figure skating...I'm not sure how good I really am but I sure do have a great time trying!! I also took up rock climbing...I have been going every week and I'm actually kinda good at it and I love doing it. It gives me a wonderful feeling making it to the top of a rock!! I also tried that is tough for girls but it's a lot of fun!! I'm trying to do my best at trying new things and making myself a more well-rounded person.
On the boy front...ahhh...I'm stilling waiting for the right one to come along :o)....I look forward to the day when I get to post the imfamous "I'm Engaged" blog...haha...until then just me and my life will have to do :o)...however for all of you that are actually reading this never fear I have not given up hope that I will find him nor have I stopped trying to find him so please do me a favor and keep me and the man that I will actually choose in your prayers cuz apparently we need all the help we can get...hahaha...
Well that really is about all that is going on in my life at this moment....I have a few fun things coming up this summer and I will be sure update all you blog followers out there on them!!
Luv you all
I am living in Orem currently and have 2 semesters left of school! I can't believe that I am that close to being done...oh my...I try not to think about it that much because when I do I get a little freaked out haha...
The past nine months I have been working at the UVU Health Services and i was a grand adventure...I met a lot of cute guys that way hahaha...but now my journey with the Health Services is over and I am enjoying not working and just finshing up school...
I have taken up a few new hobbies. I started figure skating...I'm not sure how good I really am but I sure do have a great time trying!! I also took up rock climbing...I have been going every week and I'm actually kinda good at it and I love doing it. It gives me a wonderful feeling making it to the top of a rock!! I also tried that is tough for girls but it's a lot of fun!! I'm trying to do my best at trying new things and making myself a more well-rounded person.
On the boy front...ahhh...I'm stilling waiting for the right one to come along :o)....I look forward to the day when I get to post the imfamous "I'm Engaged" blog...haha...until then just me and my life will have to do :o)...however for all of you that are actually reading this never fear I have not given up hope that I will find him nor have I stopped trying to find him so please do me a favor and keep me and the man that I will actually choose in your prayers cuz apparently we need all the help we can get...hahaha...
Well that really is about all that is going on in my life at this moment....I have a few fun things coming up this summer and I will be sure update all you blog followers out there on them!!
Luv you all
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